Deviance Skate Supply would like to welcome Chris Ferrell to the team. Chris is an amazing skater with a lot of talent and a lot of pop! Enjoy the pics…
Here are some pics from the past Falls Fest back in September. Everyone had a good time and we look forward to next years event.
A special thanks to Travis Felty for taking the pics and helping with the ramps. Also want to give D Drywall a special thanks as well for building the ramps and hauling them out to the event.
We just got the new Habitat video Origin in and it is sick and it retails for $14.00! Good deal for a good DVD. Silas Baxter Neal, Austyn Gilette, Danny Garcia, Stefan Janoski, Tim O’Connor, Kerry Getz, Guru Khalsa, Fred Gall, Daryl Angel, and so on… Come by Deviance and pick yours up today.
Deviance Skate Supply will be celebrating our 5th anniversary in November. Take advantage of our sales that will be going on during the month of November. Each week we will be running different specials, so keep checking in here to see whats special deals we will be having during our month long celebration!
Hell Yeah Clint
If you’ve seen any recent skate mags you would know that Clint Walker is coming up in the skate world. Clint is featured in the new Ambiguous ad this month with a gnarly backlip and has a pic in the new Transworld with another gnarly backlip.
Congrats to Clint!
You can also check out his welcome video at